The code for this course can be found here:
Non-responder analysis
# Now load the right file with the trajectory data in the console
R_data_drf_wide_jhs <- read.xlsx("YOUR DATA")
#Recommended package
#Specify the factors that you want to include in Table 1
my_vars <- c("Leeftijd","Geslacht","hoeLangKlacht",
#Tell R which variables are factors
my_factorvars <- c("Geslacht","zwaarteBeroep","dominant_behandeld")
#Tell R what variables do not have a "normal distribution"
my_nonnormal <- c("hoeLangKlacht", "pijnscore_intake", "functiescore_intake")
table1 <- CreateTableOne(vars = my_vars,
factorVars = my_factorvars,
data = R_data_drf_wide_jhs)
table1 <- print(table1,
nonnormal = my_nonnormal,
showAllLevels = FALSE,
printToggle = FALSE,
noSpaces = TRUE)
#Tidy the table1
table1 <- broom::tidy(table1)
#Export to excel
write.xlsx(table1, "C:/Rcourse/table1.xlsx")
The code for this course can be found here:
# Load the packages that we often use
select <- dplyr::select #define the library from which the select function needs to be used
# Load the specific functions written by Lisa Hoogendam needed for this script ----------
Process_intake_vervolg <- function(InV){
InV_3 <- filter(InV, rounddescription == "3 maanden")
InV_OK <- filter(InV, rounddescription == "OK check")
InV_0 <- filter(InV, rounddescription == "Intake")
InV <- InV_3
PtID <- InV %>% select(`Patient.traject.ID`)
InV_OK <- anti_join(InV_OK, PtID)
InV <- rbind(InV, InV_OK)
PtID <- InV %>% select(`Patient.traject.ID`)
InV_0 <- anti_join(InV_0, PtID)
InV <- rbind(InV, InV_0)
col.number <- function(keyword, questionnaire){
if(length(keyword) == 1){
number.return <- grep(paste("^(?=.*", keyword[1], ").*$", sep = ""), colnames(questionnaire), = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
} else if(length(keyword) == 2){
number.return <- grep(paste("^(?=.*", keyword[1], ")(?=.*", keyword[2], ").*$", sep = ""), colnames(questionnaire), = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
} else if(length(keyword) == 3){
number.return <- grep(paste("^(?=.*", keyword[1], ")(?=.*", keyword[2], ")(?=.*", keyword[3], ").*$", sep = ""), colnames(questionnaire), = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
} else if(length(keyword) == 4){
number.return <- grep(paste("^(?=.*", keyword[1], ")(?=.*", keyword[2], ")(?=.*", keyword[3], ")(?=.*", keyword[4], ").*$", sep = ""), colnames(questionnaire), = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
} else if(length(keyword) == 5){
number.return <- grep(paste("^(?=.*", keyword[1], ")(?=.*", keyword[2], ")(?=.*", keyword[3], ")(?=.*", keyword[4], ")(?=.*", keyword[5], ").*$", sep = ""), colnames(questionnaire), = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
} else { stop("Teveel of te weinig keywords. Minimaal 1, maximaal 5.")}
Intake_func_2 <- function(dataset){
Intake_num <- grep("Intake", names(eval(parse(text = dataset))))
#selecteren intake/vervolg
Intake <- eval(parse(text = paste(dataset, "$",
names(eval(parse(text = dataset)))[Intake_num], sep = ""))) %>%
select(Respondent.ID, Patient.traject.ID, bmi, gewicht, lengte, alcohol, roken, eerderOK,
medGeschiedenis_reuma, medGeschiedenis_hartBloedvaten, medGeschiedenis_tromboseVasculitis, medGeschiedenis_diabetes, medGeschiedenis_longenLuchtwegen, medGeschiedenis_leverNieren,
medGeschiedenis_hersenenZenuwen, medGeschiedenis_bottenSpieren, medGeschiedenis_aambeienSpataders, medGeschiedenis_hematomen,
# Hoeveel uren werkt u op dit moment per week?
# Hoeveel weken bent u tot nu toe ziekgemeld geweest als gevolg van de klacht waarvoor u behandeld wilt worden?
letselschade) %>%
mutate(Comorbiditeit = ifelse(medGeschiedenis_hartBloedvaten == "Ja", "Ja",
ifelse(medGeschiedenis_tromboseVasculitis == "Ja", "Ja",
ifelse(medGeschiedenis_longenLuchtwegen == "Ja", "Ja",
ifelse(medGeschiedenis_leverNieren == "Ja", "Ja",
ifelse(medGeschiedenis_hersenenZenuwen == "Ja", "Ja", "Nee"))))))
start_script_3 <- function(dataset, aandoening){
if(length(dataset) != 1){stop("Deze functie werkt maar met een dataset tegelijk")}else
InV_num <- grep("InV", names(eval(parse(text = dataset))))
#selecteren intake/vervolg
InV <- eval(parse(text = paste(dataset, "$",
names(eval(parse(text = dataset)))[InV_num], sep = ""))) %>%
# Behandeldatum <- eval(parse(text = paste(dataset, "Behandeldatum", sep = "$"))) %>%
# select(Patient.traject.ID, Respondent.ID, behandelingDatum)
InV$behandelingDatum <- as.Date(InV$behandelingDatum, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if(length(aandoening) == 1){
if(!aandoening %in% unique(InV$behandeling)){stop("Deze behandeling komt niet voor in deze dataset")}
InV_aandoening <- InV %>%
filter(behandeling == aandoening) #%>%
# inner_join(Behandeldatum, by=c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID"))
if(any(!aandoening %in% unique(InV$behandeling))){stop("(Ten minste een van deze behandelingen komt niet voor in deze dataset")}
InV_aandoening <- InV %>%
filter(behandeling == aandoening[1]) # %>%
# inner_join(Behandeldatum, by=c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID"))
for(i in 2:length(aandoening)){
InV_nieuw <- InV %>%
filter(behandeling == aandoening[i]) # %>%
# inner_join(Behandeldatum, by=c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID"))
InV_aandoening <- InV_aandoening %>%
InV_aandoening <- InV_aandoening %>%
#Load the dataset (should be saved at an encrypted USB)
load("D:/USO drf data voor artikel/Pols_lang20200808.Rdata")
#Choose patient who underwent the treatment of interest: in this case ulna shortening
Intake_patients <- start_script_3("Pols_lang", "Ulna verkorting") %>%
select(Patient.traject.ID, Respondent.ID, zijde, dominant, zwaarteBeroep, hoeLangKlacht, secondOpinion, Leeftijd, Geslacht, behandelingDatum)%>%
mutate(zwaarteBeroep = ifelse(zwaarteBeroep == "Geen betaalde arbeid (o.a. uitkering gepensioneerd: return to work vragenlijst vervalt)", "Geen",
ifelse(zwaarteBeroep == "Licht fysieke arbeid (bijv. kantoorwerk)", "Licht",
ifelse(zwaarteBeroep == "Matig fysieke arbeid (bijv. werken in een winkel)", "Matig",
ifelse(zwaarteBeroep == "Zwaar fysieke arbeid (bijv. in de bouw, stratenmaker)", "Zwaar", "Error")))))%>%
filter(behandelingDatum < "2019-08-01") #Patients treated after this date had a follow-up time less than a year at the time of the data export
#Choose your outcome of interest: in this case Patient Rated Wrist Hand Evaluation (PRWHE)
PRWHE_intake_wide <- Pols_lang$PRWHE %>%
filter(rounddescription == "Intake") %>% #filter your outcome on rounddescription (timepoint) "intake"
mutate(functiescore = functiescore*2)%>%
select(c(Patient.traject.ID, Respondent.ID,
totaalscore, pijnscore, functiescore)) %>%
dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_intake"))%>%
mutate(Patient.traject.ID = as.double(Patient.traject.ID_intake),
Respondent.ID = as.double(Respondent.ID_intake),
Patient.traject.ID_intake = NULL,
Respondent.ID_intake = NULL) %>%
distinct(Patient.traject.ID, .keep_all = T)
PRWHE_12m_wide <- Pols_lang$PRWHE %>%
filter(rounddescription == "12 maanden") %>% #filter your outcome on the follow-up moment of interest:in this case 3 months
select(c(Patient.traject.ID, Respondent.ID,
totaalscore, pijnscore, functiescore)) %>%
mutate(functiescore = functiescore*2)%>%
dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_12m"))%>%
mutate(Patient.traject.ID = as.double(Patient.traject.ID_12m),
Respondent.ID = as.double(Respondent.ID_12m),
Patient.traject.ID_12m = NULL,
Respondent.ID_12m = NULL) %>%
distinct(Patient.traject.ID, .keep_all = T)
#Keep only the patients that filled in the intake questionnaire
rdata <- Intake_patients %>%
inner_join(PRWHE_intake_wide, by = c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID"))
#Define responders: in this case responders are patients that filled in the questionnaire at intake AND after 12 months
responders <- rdata%>%
inner_join(PRWHE_12m_wide, by = c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID")) %>% #use inner_join()
mutate(Level = "Responder")
#Define nonresponders: in this case nonresponders are patients that filled in the questionnaire at intake but NOT after 12 months
nonresponders <- rdata %>%
anti_join(PRWHE_12m_wide, by = c("Respondent.ID", "Patient.traject.ID"))%>%
mutate(Level = "Non-responder")
#Combine the responders and nonresponders in one dataframe
data_resp_analyse <- responders %>%
#Choose the variables which you want to compare between responders and nonresponders
my_vars <- c("Leeftijd","Geslacht","hoeLangKlacht", "zwaarteBeroep",
"pijnscore_intake", "functiescore_intake")
#Tell R which variables are factors
my_factorvars <- c("Geslacht","zwaarteBeroep")
#Tell R which continious variables should be treated as not normally distributed
my_nonnormal <- c("hoeLangKlacht")
#Do the responder analysis using the CreateTableOne function
table_resp_analyse <- CreateTableOne(data = data_resp_analyse,
strata = "Level", #The strata arguments is where you define based on which factor groups are compared
vars = my_vars,
factorVars = my_factorvars)
table_resp_analyse <- print(table_resp_analyse,
showAllLevels = TRUE,
printToggle = FALSE,
noSpaces = TRUE,
nonnormal = my_nonnormal)
table_resp_analyse <- broom::tidy(table_resp_analyse)