Pulse is the software platform which we use to collect our data. The Pulse dataset is comprised out of 8 dedicated measurement tracks containing data on:
Medical, demographic and psychological characteristics of patients with hand and wrist disorders.
Details on the (non)surgical treatment and the type and amount of hand therapy.
Outcomes (PROM data) measured at baseline, 6 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 month after start of treatment.
Description of experiences during the healthcare process (PREM data).
Data is collected as part of the regular healthcare process at Xpert Clinics Hand-en polszorg and Xpert Handtherapie, shown here on the right. Xpert Clinics Hand- en polszorg and Xpert Handtherapie are a group of clinics providing specialized primairy (PT and OT) and secondary care (surgery and rehab) for hand and wrist disorders. See here for more information on Xpert Clinics Hand- en polszorg and here on Xpert Handtherapie.