Steven Hovius, Clinical Lead
As the Clinical Lead, Steven Hovius is intimately involved with all research taking place within the Hand and Wrist Research group in order to ensure the greatest possible impact on the quality of care.
Professor dr. Steven Hovius works as a certified plastic and hand surgeon at Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen and at the Xpert Clinic Hand and Wrist Centre Rotterdam. For more than 20 years, he has been head of the department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery at the Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam. Professor Hovius has published 297 articles (pubmed, nov. 2019), 30 book chapters, and has been editor of 3 books. He has presented more than 140 international lectures on invitation. In additional to his academic accomplishments, he is passionate about teaching and sharing his knowledge as he has supervised 52 PhD theses and was the founder of the Skills lab at the Erasmus University Medical Center. Professor Hovius is chairman of the ICHOM (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement) working group developing a standard measurement set for hand and wrist disorders.