Ruud Selles, Research Lead

As an associate professor at the Erasmus MC, I lead the scientific research within the Hand Wrist Study Group, including initiating new projects, supervising researchers and students, obtaining research grants, and disseminating research findings..
The unique Hand Wrist Study Group data enables precision medicine research, focusing on comparative effectiveness and clinical prediction model research. To do this, we use predominantly real-world clinical data (in contrast to researcher-collected experimental data) in combination with innovative statistical analyses and data science.
I obtained my MSc in Human Movement Science from the Free University Amsterdam and my Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Medicine from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. After my Ph.D., I did a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. I have authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications, supervised almost 20 Ph.D. students that successfully defended their theses and received numerous grants for my research.
Twitter: @ruudselles